Eczema has been defined as an allergic skin disorder, but the influence of allergic reactions to the development of eczema is challenged. The best essential oils for eczema will help you achieve symptom control.
According to research, eczema affects up to 3% of the adult population and 20% of the children population and continuing studies indicate that the prevalence of the disease is increasing. In most adults, the condition goes away completely by adulthood.
Table of contents
- 1 Causes and Symptoms
- 2 How to Use Natural Oils for Eczema
- 3 Recommended Oils for Eczema
- 4 Eczema Treatment Recipes
- 4.1 Recipe #1: DIY Comforting & Healing Blend
- 4.2 Recipe #2: DIY Symptomatic Relief Blend
- 4.3 Recipe #3: Anti-Eczema Gel
- 4.4 Recipe #4: Shea Butter Eczema Blend
- 4.5 Recipe $5: All Purpose Skin Remedy
- 4.6 Recipe #6: Homemade Healing Eczema Cream
- 4.7 Recipe #7: After-bath Natural Moisturizer
- 4.8 Bonus video recipe
- 5 Sources and References
Atopic dermatitis or eczema is an inflammatory condition of the skin caused by increased sensitivity to the environment. It normally runs in the family and may occur with nasal allergies, asthma, and hayfever.
Causes and Symptoms
It is believed that eczema is caused by an allergy and if the allergy can be identified and controlled, eczema will be cured. The tendency towards having atopic dermatitis is something you inherit and thus, it is a condition which often runs in families. There is a strong hereditary element, especially when there is a family history of allergic conditions such as hayfever and asthma. Eczema affects the dermis and epidermis sections of the skin.
It appears as a dry rash, which can become red, moist and itchy. Some parts of the skin can become weepy and inflamed. The rash appears mostly on the face, feet, and hands, behind the knees and inside the elbows. The intensity of the disease varies from mild to severe. In mild cases, it may be the only allergy-based skin problem. In severe cases, it may present along with hayfever and asthma. Common visible symptoms of eczema are:
- Patches of thickened, dry, itchy skin on legs, face, neck, and hands.
- Development of open sores when scratching.
- Yellowish to light-brown pus-filled blisters on the existing patches.
How to Use Natural Oils for Eczema
Many essential oils have normalizing properties and can play a major role in treating damaged skin. Engage oils that have a balancing outcome and can be used with equal effect on both dry and oily skin. This is so because eczema can occur regardless of skin type. Dry skin is usually close-grained and fine in appearance and may feel tight. The use of moisturizers to rehydrate the skin is important. You need to stimulate blood circulation and there are various natural oils that can help. The best methods of treatment are massage and bath.
Stress is frequently associated with eczema. Therefore, it can be helpful to use relaxing and calming essential oils for eczema doterra. Even though massage can be beneficial, an essential oil bath is much better since carrier oils used in mixing massage oils can sometimes irritate the skin.
It is best to avoid extremes of temperature and harsh cleansers
Moreover, you may need to adjust your environment or diet in order to identify the allergen, if your eczema is a part of an allergic reaction.
Aromatherapy Bath
An aromatherapy bath works as a skin treatment for the whole body, especially for dry skin problems associated with eczema. A bath is an effective way of moisturizing the skin and enjoying the healing benefits of essential oils for eczema. Hot water opens skin pores and helps the body absorb the oils quickly. It will alleviate the effects of stress and relieve muscular pain. Create a moisturizing bath blend by mixing 50 drops of lavender oil, 2 teaspoons of avocado oil, 2 teaspoons of apricot kernel oil and 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil. Add 1 teaspoon of the mixture to a warm bath and soak your body for fifteen minutes.
Aromatherapy Massage
An aromatherapy massage ensures that essential oils are readily absorbed through the skin. Massage improves lymph flow, circulation and muscle tone and relaxes tight muscles. Mix 4 drops of lavender oil, 1 drop of sandalwood oil, 3 drops of juniper oil, 4 drops of geranium oil, and 5 teaspoons of coconut oil. Apply the blend every morning and evening. If your eczema is intensified by stress, massage the mixture into your neck and shoulder. You are advised to exercise caution when using natural oils on your skin. You can achieve this by conducting a patch test.
Recommended Oils for Eczema
1. Lavender Essential Oil
Lavender oil for eczema is universal with numerous healing qualities, such as antiseptic, antibacterial, moisturizing, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. These properties have the ability to prevent the skin from scarring and to speed up the healing process. Apply 3 drops of undiluted lavender oil on the affected areas two to three times a day until your skin is healed.
2. Tea Tree Essential Oil
Tea tree oil for eczema comprises anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial medicinal properties. It relieves skin inflammation and serves as a natural eczema treatment. Mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, 5 drops of tea tree oil and 5 drops of lavender oil. You can use the blend as a massage or bath oil. Topical use of this essential oil is considered safe but may cause mild contact dermatitis. You can avoid this problem by diluting the oil with a carrier oil and doing a patch test. Tea tree oil should not be ingested, even in small amounts.
3. Carrot Seed Essential Oil
As a dermal agent, carrot seed essential oil lends its depurative effects to skin care blends. It is natural skin toner and tanning oil that soothes wrinkled skin. It restores tone and elasticity to the skin and removes toxins. Combine 5 drops of carrot seed oil, ½ ounce of coconut oil, 1/3 ounce of beeswax, 10 drops of rosemary oil, and 1/3 ounce of vegetable glycerin. Use the blend to massage affected areas of the skin. This gentle cleanser is suitable for sensitive dry skin and eczema. Coconut oil leaves the skin feeling cool and soft.
4. Geranium Essential Oil
Geranium is the best oil for eczema because it is cleansing, antiseptic, toning, astringent, and anti-inflammatory and it stimulates the lymphatic system. It is recommended for eczema and general skin care as it has a balancing effect on sebaceous production. It reduces inflammation and relieves dry eczema. In a clean glass bowl, mix 40 drops of geranium oil and 60 ml of coconut oil. Use the blend to massage the affected areas. Compared to other carrier oils, coconut oil is easily absorbed by the skin to reduce inflammation and keep it soft and smooth.
5. Rosemary Essential Oil
Rosemary oil has a fresh, sweet and herbal fragrance with gentle medicinal undertones. It is antiseptic, astringent, antioxidant, antibacterial, antispasmodic, antifungal and analgesic. Its antiseptic, astringent and antibacterial qualities make it the ideal oil for managing eczema, joint pains, and muscle aches. Do not use this oil if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure or suffer from epilepsy. It should not be used on children of less than 5 years.
6. Grapefruit Essential Oil
Grapefruit oil is a favorite not just for its pleasant scent, but for its ability to cleanse and regenerate damaged skin. It is cleansing, antiseptic, tonic, disinfectant, detoxifying, stimulant and fat dissolving. You can use it to formulate nontoxic massage and bath oils. When used in aromatherapy, it releases confusion and stress. Since this oil is phototoxic avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight for 24 hours after application.
7. Thyme Essential Oil
This is one of the best oils for eczema with an energizing and uplifting aroma. It is antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. It helps increase immunity and prevents skin infections caused by eczema.
8. Jojoba Oil for Eczema
Jojoba oil has excellent anti-inflammatory qualities, which makes it one of the best oils for eczema. It nourishes the skin and remains effective irrespective of skin type. The mixture of vitamins and minerals in jojoba oil makes skin soft and silky.
9. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil can improve the moisture absorption of your skin. It helps relieve inflammation, itching, and pain associated with atopic dermatitis. A good procedure to follow is to massage a generous amount of coconut oil on your skin. Wait for at least 10 minutes in order for the oil to be absorbed into your skin then wash it out. Use coconut oil in most of your eczema treatment blends.
Eczema Treatment Recipes
Recipe #1: DIY Comforting & Healing Blend
- 1 drop of chamomile essential oil
- 1 drop of cypress essential oil
- 2 drops of lemon essential oil
- 2 drops of myrrh essential oil
- 2 drops of lavender essential oil
- 2 drops of geranium essential oil
- 2 cups of cold water
Directions: In a non-reactive, medium size bowl, add the essential oils and mix. Add the two cups of cold water and stir to mix. Soak a clean piece of cloth in the mixture and use it to rub the affected areas as necessary. This blend is healing and comforting, it will quickly reduce itching and inflammation caused by eczema.
Recipe #2: DIY Symptomatic Relief Blend
- 5 drops of geranium essential oil
- 20 drops of lavender essential oil
- 4 drops of bay essential oil
- 5 drops of carrot seed essential oil
Directions: In a clean, dark-colored glass bottle, add the ingredients and gently shake the bottle to mix. Use 2 to 3 drops of the mixture to massage affected areas.
Recipe #3: Anti-Eczema Gel
- 2 drops of geranium essential oil
- 4 drops of tea tree essential oil
- 4 drops of carrot seed essential oil
- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
- 4 ounces of Aloe Vera gel
Directions: Combine all the ingredients in a clean glass bowl and stir. Then use the blend to massage the affected parts of your body. You need to do a patch test before topical application of this gel. Obtain one drop of the gel and apply it on a small portion of your hand. You can continue using the gel if you do not observe any adverse skin reactions.
Recipe #4: Shea Butter Eczema Blend
- 15 drops of lavender essential oil
- 15 drops of sandalwood essential oil
- 2 ounces of unrefined Shea butter
- 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil
- 4-ounce empty clean jar
Directions: Add the Shea butter into the jar and mash it with a fork. Then add essential oils and wheat germ oil. Use a hand mixer for two minutes to blend the ingredients. Tight the jar and store it at room temperature. Rub the mixture on the affected parts of your body.
Recipe $5: All Purpose Skin Remedy
- 8 drops of lavender essential oil
- 1/8 cup of grated beeswax
- ½ cup of extra virgin olive oil
- ¼ cup of dried calendula petals
Directions: Place the olive oil and calendula petals in a small crockpot for three hours. Strain with cheesecloth and let the oil drip into a glass jar. Pour the oil into a saucepan and heat. Then add beeswax and stir until it melts. Remove from heat and add the 8 drops of lavender essential oil. This DIY skin remedy helps heal eczema, chapped lips and rashes.
Recipe #6: Homemade Healing Eczema Cream
- 25 drops of lavender essential oil
- 25 drops of Melrose essential oil
- ½ cup of coconut oil
Directions: Add a desirable amount of water to a small pot and simmer on low heat. Measure about ½ cup of coconut oil and pour it into a pint-sized Mason jar. Place the mason jar of coconut oil into the warm water and allow it to soften. Remove from heat and stir for two minutes. Add 25 drops of lavender and Melrose oils when the coconut oil is just warm to the touch.
Recipe #7: After-bath Natural Moisturizer
- 12 drops of chamomile essential oil
- ¼ cup of coconut oil
- ¼ cup of aloe Vera gel
Directions: In a clean bowl, whisk together aloe Vera gel, coconut oil, and chamomile essential oil. Apply a good amount of the blend to your skin immediately after taking a bath. Allow at least two minutes for the moisturizer to be absorbed before getting dressed. Aloe Vera gel is anti-inflammatory, hydrating and soothing. Chamomile oil has chemicals that are effective in reducing allergies and inflammation.
Bonus video recipe
Essential oils for eczema is a perfect way to treat skin conditions effectively. However, you should be aware that each particular case is different, and it is possible that this natural treatment might not suit you. If you notice any signs of an even greater skin irritation, stop using it immediately and ask your doctor for a consultation.
Sources and References
- University of Maryland Medical Center Eczema
- MedlinePlus Roman chamomile for eczema
- NCBI Evaluation of massage with essential oils on childhood atopic eczema
- UC Davis Health Medical Dermatology – Eczema
I really want to believe that oils will help me, I have a severe form of ezema. But won’t oils irritate the skink even more? The skin is a sensitive organ, and it is soiled with constant ezema…and as far as I’m concerned, oils are rather strong
Hey there. You can totally use oils to soothe skin, just be careful with the solution, don’t make the blend to strong and always use a carrier oil and you should be fine! Don’t forget to conduct a patch test before using them.
Thanks for the recipes, they all sound pretty doable! I was wondering, are they also applicable to itichy skin, without ezema?
Of course! These are blends made to soothe and calm the skin.
Ah…oils are a great way to battle ezema. They don’t cure it, of course, but they provide a much better relief than creams and medications! Thanks.