Essential oils have been wooing masses across the world. And why not! They are effective, natural and useful, plus a little goes a long way. Many people are aware of the many uses of essential oils for beauty purposes, but most would not think to use them as a repellent for fleas on your pets or as a disinfectant. Yes, you read it right, you can use essential oils for fleas on your pets to create a wonderful and effective natural repellant that is organic and will not impact your skin or that of your pet.
Table of contents
Read signs of flea invasion
- excessive scratching means fleas have made a home in your dog’s coat
- if you find dropping of a flea on dog’s fur,
- Pale gums
- irritating behaviour
- tapeworms
When you see these signs, it means you have already let your poor pet suffer a lot. Utilizing harmful chemicals can also result in hair loss. It is better that you try natural methods first. If things are out of hand then visit a good vet dog and after prescribed medication has run its course you can slowly introduce Essential oils to get rid of fleas in your pets’ life.
Route your pet’s routine
- use essential oils for fleas while bathing your pet
- spray natural oils on your pets periodically in a day.
- drop a few drops in their food.
- maintain essential oils routine.
However, there are a few tips and precautions that should be followed while shooing those fleas away.
Tips to keep your home and pets free of fleas:
- Keep your house clean,
- Regularly clean floors, counters and other surfaces, wiping up spills quickly. Keep garbage in a closed container and remove it every few days. Make sure your broom reaches all the nooks and corners of the house.
- While introducing your pets to essential oils for fleas, test a small amount on them first.
- Make sure you dilute the oil heavily, as many animals might be sensitive to essential oils.
- Be patient, it takes time for your pet to adapt to something new.
- Do not leave the product unattended. Consumption by an animal can lead to serious issues.
- Avoid spraying in or near the eyes of your pet.
- Remember that what worked well for your dog may not work for your cat, or rabbit, and vice versa. Follow the procedure from start to finish with each animal.
- Spray a little of a diluted oil and see if that particular oil causes any problem with your pet’s health. If not, start your routine with 2 times a day, but not more than 4 times a day.
- As you move forward with your routine, you may recognize the change in overall health and your pet’s activity as the flea problem is reduced and eliminated. Once the problem is under control, you may be able to reduce to twice a day, or less. Or give your pet a flea oil bath.
Tip: Cats usually do not like citrus oils. Dogs like peppermint oils for fleas. Rabbits like thyme, rosemary, and oils with a slightly pungent smell.
How to use essential oils to kill fleas
- Consider the size of your pet, if your pet is small, make sure you use 3-4 drops of oil and dilute in 80% water with oil. However, if you have large sized animals, then you can use 5-6 drops in 12-13 drops of carrier oil, or vegetable oil.
- If you are the owner of horses and other large animals, you can make a strong dose, of 10-12 drops. Some products may indicate that dilution is not required. Remember the initial steps to introduce essential oils to animals. The procedure is the same for animals of all sizes.
- Introduce oils to the animals by using a diffuser, and let animal become comfortable with the fragrance.
- Animals may be resistant and not like the application of the oil. Try to use it on yourself so the pet becomes acquainted with the smell and the procedure and allows you to apply it.
More info:
- Once the animals have become accustomed to the smell, they will let you apply the chosen essential oil for fleas to paws, fur, spine, flanks and near genital areas.
- To apply on fur, drop oil in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, then apply, stroking length-wise onto the fur.
- Drop 2 drops into your pet’s food for the ingested use.
- Once they become familiar with the intake of essential oils, you can put oil directly in the mouth.
Essential oils for flea control
To keep ticks, fleas, and insects away from your dogs, use these oil mixtures.
Recipes oil mixtures
Recipe #1
- Outdoor blend essential oil (8 drops)
- Cedarwood essential oil (10 drops)
- Lavender oil (10 drops)
- Frankincense oil (18 drops)
Mix well and add 2 drops in food. Add to paws, flanks, and on fur. You can also make a spray by adding 8 ounces of distilled water. Make sure you test a patch of skin for puppies under 10 week’s old, pregnant dogs and older dogs.
Recipe #2
- 1tbsp aloe vera gel
- 10 drops coconut oil
- 10 drops lavender oil
- 10 drops sweet orange oil
- 10 drops geranium oil
- 10 drops vanilla pure oil
- 10 drops citronella oil
This is quite a unique blend, it soothes, refreshes and keeps pests away. Add all of the above to a 15-ounce bottle and apply on paws, on fur, on flanks, and on stomach to keep the dog relaxed and to keep pests away. Add 6 ounces of water to make a spray out of it.
Recipe #3
- 15 drops of lavender oil in a spray bottle,
- add 2 ounces of organic soap water
- shake the bottle so that oil and water are completely mixed
Spray on your pet from time to time throughout the day. Mist on the legs more often, as fleas are particularly attracted to the legs and belly.
Recipe #4
- Fill a 12-ounce shampoo bottle with water
- 1 tbsp Organic soap, or castile soap (liquid)
- 2 ounce of aloe vera pulp (optional)
- 2 drops of lavender oil, eucalyptus, rosemary and peppermint oil.
Shake vigorously and use as a shampoo, this will keep bacteria and microbs away. Eucalyptus has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. It will keep your pet from falling sick, or getting in contact with harmful bacteria. Utilizing this recipe in winter will keep the pet active, warm and reduce the chances of sickness.
Recipe #5
- 2 tbsp. Almond oil
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 10 drops of lavender oil
- 10 drops of eucalyptus oil
Mix all the ingredients and gently massage it into the dog’s skin. You can also add 15 ounces of water to make a spray. This oil will not only keep dog free of fleas but also soothe and rejuvenate dry skin. Eucalyptus can help in eradicating skin issues such as irritation, itching and dry patches. Its antibacterial properties can kill germs and bacteria. Lavender oil will calm nerves, soothe the skin and leave the fur smooth, shiny and radiant. Use 4 times a day in small batches.
Lavender oil
- definite impact on fleas
- can also be used to treat burns on dogs
- use lavender oil and rose oil to eradicate skin dryness problems
- treat abscess with lavender oil. When the wound is fresh clean with melaleuca several times a day. Once the pus has gone, apply lavender oil daily several times for speedy recovery
Peppermint oil
- good for upset stomach issues in animals.
- usually has quite a subtle impact, so you can use this oil to treat colds and sneezing issues of cats and dogs
- some cat owners say that their cat’s asthma was visibly controlled with the use of this oil.
- Peppermint oil is good for flea treatment, however, do not use this oil with clove, tea tree oil and citrus oil.
Recipes provided in this article are natural, but some are only for dogs and some can be used on other animals. Some of these essential oils for fleas also soothe the skin of the pets and help with upset stomach.
Sources and References
- BetterHealthChannel Fleas
- Hastings Online Fleas: advice and information
- MedlinePlus Fleas