There are few things in the world as maddening as itchy skin! Perhaps it is because the solution seems so simple: just scratch. But, careful before you do! Scratching can lead to a whole host of other problems while encouraging you to overlook underlying issues. Plus, most times it doesn’t even make the itch go away. Itching also leaves ugly scars and bruises. When medicinal creams and pills fail to bring any improvement, it’s time to let nature help you and turn to essential oils for itchy skin.
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That’s the reason many people seem to run skin and that is no solution. Not finding proper solution can leave your skin red, ugly, with a lot of marks and bruises. When other remedies fail, it is high time to turn to what the nature has to offer.
What is an itch?
An itch can be described as an unpleasant feeling on your skin or inside your mouth, nose, or ears that makes you want to scratch. It’s irritating and, in some cases, comes about seemingly unprovoked. The medical term you might hear is pruritus. In severe cases, an itch can be treated with medication.
There are many ways to treat itch, but it depends on you which method would you prefer, organic or inorganic. Inorganic and harmful chemicals can affect skin in adverse way. Whereas, natural treatments can guarantee one thing that is “No Side-effects.” However, for most instances, a natural alternative such as essential oils for itching is better suited to relaxing your skin.
There are many causes for itchy skin. It’s an only a matter of finding out what’s behind your urge to scratch. A good place to start is by looking at the symptoms. Are you itchy all over? Or is it localized to one area? Generally, when the itch is located in one area, it’s easier to treat and it also gives you an idea of the severity of your case. Itching skin can be evidence of something as simple as exposure to an environmental irritant, such as poison ivy, or it can be an indicator for much more severe cause, like systemic disease. In the case of more severe itching, it will be prolonged and there will be many more symptoms accompanying the itch. For the bulk of itchy skin situations, a holistic and apt approach will be to use essential oils for itching skin.
What symptoms should I look for?
Though itching seems to come out of nowhere, if you pay closer attention, you will find that it generally comes with other symptoms. Many of these symptoms can be dermal which means that you can see them on your skin. Is there redness? Are there bumps? Do you have a rash? Blisters are less common but they can also materialize. More serious symptoms, such as skin lesions or yellowed skin, should be discussed with your doctor.
If you find that you have persistent symptoms that just won’t abate, please see your doctor as well
For other situations, you will find that most itchy skin scenarios will be rectified by essential oils. Itchy skin doesn’t have to be stressful in addition to being uncomfortable.
What are some of the causes of itchy skin?
- Hives
- Allergies (Food, Pet Dander, and others)
- Contact Dermatitis
- Bites and Stings
- Dry skin
- Sunburn
- Infestations
- Infections
- Eczema or other inflammatory skin conditions
Itchiness accompanied by a skin condition or any other abnormality should be checked out by a physician. Some of the more severe causes of itchy skin include:
- Hepatitis
- Lyme
- Kidney Disease
- Jaundice
Why shouldn’t I just scratch?
An itch is your skin’s way of telling you something is wrong. If your skin is already distressed, scratching your epidermis can lead to tearing, irritation and even scarring. There is also the chance that you might cause an infection. In order to protect your skin and alleviate your itch, gentle cleansing and using essential oils for itchy skin is a safer choice.
Best Essential oils for itchy skin
1. Chamomile
We already know about the calming effects of chamomile from a delicious cup of hot chamomile tea. Did you know that it could soothe your skin just as well as it soothes your mind? Essential for scalp itch, you’ll find the effect of this slightly sweet, floral oil is fantastic on your skin.
2. Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus is often used in products that fight the common cold. Nothing is better than the real thing. This potent natural powerhouse is uniquely useful against infections.
3. Frankincense
Somewhat less common, Frankincense is powerful hidden secret when it comes to essential oils. It’s great for mature skin. It improves the appearance of skin, filling in wrinkles and managing your skin’s natural oils. It is great for cleansing the skin and tightening those pores.
4. Geranium
Sweet, floral geranium is crucial when it comes to bug bites and wounds. You can even use it as a natural bug repellant! It’s anti-inflammatory, which means that it will soothe your skin while promoting the growth of new skin cells.
5. Juniper
This fragrant, spicy, berry oil is generally used as a flavor element in the very best spirits. The oil of juniper is useful on the skin as well. It can clear up the dry patches that sometimes result from psoriasis and eczema.
6. Lavender
As an essential oil, it’s very hard to beat lavender. Its uses are multitudinous. It’s no surprise that when it comes to using essential oils for pruritus, lavender has an application that will leave your skin fragrant and supple. This oil is useful in combating eczema, scabies, and shingles because of its antifungal, anti-inflammatory properties. Still, it’s gentle enough to use while treating your common sunburn and occasional redness.
7. Lemon
This common citrus fruit is well known for its powerful, anti-bacterial powers. It’s great on the skin where it can kill bacteria causing your itchy skin. It will also assist in lessening any allergic reaction that can cause your skin to itch.
8. Palmarosa
Dermatitis, scar tissue, stretch marks can all be attended to by the oil distilled from palmarosa grass. Fresh-smelling with a fragrance like cut grass, this oil has antiseptic and anti-aging properties. It’s great at hydrating and healing irritated, inflamed skin.
9. Patchouli
Patchouli, with its soothing, earthy scent is great for skin that’s congested (pimples, blackhead). It helps alleviate these skin concerns while wiping away blemishes. It also has antiseptic, skin cell regeneration attributes which makes it great for cracked, itchy skin. It’s perfect for the feet.
10. Peppermint
The cool, soothing touch of peppermint is ideal when the skin is inflamed due to contact dermatitis. Poison oak and poison ivy can cause much irritation. Peppermint oil’s antibacterial, pain-relieving effect can stop your skin’s itchy reaction in it’s tracks.
11. Rosemary
Most people think of rosemary as just an herb. This fragrant, woodsy plant is so much more. It’s anti-fungal properties are well known. When it comes to skin, it’s great for eczema and dermatitis. It also functions well as a natural bug repellant.
12. Sandalwood
Sandalwood is great for all skin types. It’s particularly useful in cases of razor burn. Its fragrant spicy scent isn’t unobtrusive and perfect for essential oil skincare blends.
13. Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree oil has long been touted as a superb skin-cleansing oil. It’s great for itchy skin. It is particularly effective against bacteria. Athlete’s foot, warts, acne, insect bites, blisters are no match for tea tree oil. Plus, it leaves a protective shield on your skin which helps keep it hydrated and clean.
Top recipes with essential oils
The most common application is a topical application. It is not recommended that you ingest essential oils.
In applying it to the skin, it’s important that you use a carrier oil, meaning a neutral oil that is safe for the skin in which the essential oil can be suspended. Essential oils are very powerful. It’s important that you protect your health by using an appropriate carrier oil as well as the correct proportions of essential oil to carrier oil. Some good choices are jojoba, coconut oil, grapeseed oil and hempseed oil.
Anti-itch blend
- 2 tsp grapeseed oil
- 1 tsp aloe vera gel
- 3 drops lavender EO
- 2 drops geranium EO
- 1 drop lemon EO
For a relaxing, restorative, skin-nourishing essential oil soak~
- 3-5 drops of Lavender EO
- 2-4 drops of Chamomile EO
- 1 teaspoon of a mineral rich salt, like Epsom salt.
- Soak for at least twenty minutes.
Use either blend in a hot tub. Mix the ingredients together and add to the tub. Soak for at least 20 minutes. Massage the droplets in while soaking. Pat the skin dry after taking the bath.
Anti-itch heat rash spray
- 50 drops of Lavender Essential oil
- 45 drops of Eucalyptus Essential oil
- 5 tsp of witch hazel or water
- 1 tsp of vodka
Mix all of the oils in a spray bottle. Then add the water or witch hazel and shale well. Shake the bottle each time prior to application. Spray the mixture to the affected areas of your skin and let it dry.
Anti-itch bath
- 8 drops of Lavender essential oil
- 1 cup of baking soda
Mix the lavender oils with baking soda in a non-reactive bowl. Add the mixture to a hot tub. Soak for 30-40 minutes. Massage the droplets onto the affected areas of the skin. Pat the skin dry after bathing.
Itchiness causes irritation internally (mentally) whereas externally it can leave permanent scars. Essential oils for itchy skin is a natural and safe way to solve this issue. Even if it doesn’t heal your skin completely, it is a good aid to the overall therapy process.
Sources and References
- NIH Handout on Health: Atopic Dermatitis
- HealthDirect Itchy skin
- MedlinePlus Itching
I’ve tried the lemon blend and it made things even worse 🙁 skin got inflammed and I had to go see a doctor. Turns out I had an allergic reaction to lemon
You should always conduct a patch test before you do it. Really sorry it happened with you. Please, be careful next time.
I do this blend for my children, 4 and 5. I don’t follow the recipes exactly though. I devide the amount of oils by half with the same amount of carrier oil. They seem to like it and it really smoothes the skin.
I have constant itchy problem with my skin. Doctors say it’s nervous system disorder. Basically, I scratch when I get stressed out, I scratch so much it leaves scars…so I can’t use the oils on wounded skin…what do you think I can do?
In this case you should be using aromatherapy with calming blends. You can get yourself a speacila pendant where you can put some oil, and inhale when you feel stressed. I would recommennd lavander.