If you feel your skin has over grown into small tags and you don’t know how to get rid of them naturally, then keep reading this article. Utilizing essential oils for skin tags to eradicate even the faintest signs of these imperfections has been clinically proven to be efficient.
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However, many people don’t know that essential oils is an ancient practice.
What is a skin tag?
A skin papilloma, fibroepithelial polyp, fibroid mollusk, or skin tag, is a small growth of skin attached to the main surface of the skin. Skin tags are commonly found around the delicate parts of the skin such as eyelids, armpits, groin, chest, or around nipples. However, is not restricted only to these areas. They can grow anywhere on the body – areas where one part of the skin rubs against another, and folds of skin are especially prone to developing skin tags.
Skin tags, especially those located in visible areas of the body, can cause psychological or emotional discomfort for those who suffer from the issue.
It is most commonly believed that the rubbing of skin areas leads to the development of skin tags. These are usually asymptomatic, and their development on the body goes unnoticed. Skin tags, moles and warts tend to grow around the areas where large lumps of veins tangle beneath the hard skin, and friction among the skin in these areas simply causes skin tags to develop on the skin’s surface.
People nowadays seek chemical treatments for a variety of cosmetic ailments. You may be surprised to learn that a natural therapy of essential oils has proven to be an effective treatment for skin tags. Essential oils penetrate deep into the roots of the tags, making them heal more easily. Essential oils for skin tags target potential causes of the issue, such as veins or blood clots, which may be contributing to the formation of the tags. Massages on the target area made in circular motions can help release the knots and lumps, and can ease blood circulation in the affected areas, often alleviating skin tags.
Essential oils benefit the skin in many ways, and they help make it flawless and beautiful.
The Best Essential Oils for Skin Tags
Oregano Essential Oil
The oregano herb has antimicrobial and antiseptic elements due to the phenolic acid that is present in the plant. When used in food, oregano can cleanse your stomach while increasing the flavor of the food. Oregano essential oil also has antioxidant, anti-melanotic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-spasmodic properties. These properties allow the oil to heal skin tags within two to three weeks, eradicating even the faintest traces of the growths.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil offers several solutions to many skin issues. Tea tree oil is extremely effective on skin tags, and it is the most beneficial way to remove skin tags. As a reminder, skin tags are not dead skin cells, they are living skin cells that contain moisture. Tea tree oil dries out the moisture inside the skin tags, eventually causing them to fall off. Tea tree oil has been used since ancient times to remove skin tags, and it is one of the safest and most effective ways to treat the issue.
Frankincense Oil
Frankincense oil is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and anti-microbial. These properties assist in killing the microbes around the skin tag area. Frankincense oil is effective in reducing blood formation and in drying out skin tags, as the result, making them fall off. Frankincense oil can be used on its own or by blending it with different oils. This oil is especially good for facial application. Frankincense oil nourishes, revitalizes, and restores the skin, reducing flaws by removing spots, wrinkles, and other residues left by skin tags.
Castor Oil
Castor oil is typically associated with cooking or grandmothers. It turns out that your grandmother was right; she knew the potential health benefits of castor oil. The application of castor oil five times a day around a skin tag can make it dry out faster, and, eventually, making it disappear.
Due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties, castor oil is effective in treating common cold and flu, and it works as an antiseptic on burns. Castor oil can be swabbed directly on the affected area, or it can be incorporated into mixtures such as the one below.
Recipe 1:
4 drops of castor oil
1 pinch of baking powder
Directions: mix both ingredients, adding more castor oil if the mixture is too dry. Apply the mixture on the skin tag and wrap firmly with a soft cotton cloth. Follow this nightly regimen for one week. The skin tag should fall off in a couple of weeks.
- Essential oils are powerful and heavy. Using them in day-to-day life can cause irritation to the surrounding skin. You can safely use these oils by blending them with carrier oils, such as coconut oil and other mild oils. Coconut oil is the recommended oil for blending with essential oils for skin tags.
- If you want to speed up the process and avoid using carrier oils, another method is to apply petroleum jelly around the area surrounding the skin tag before applying the essential oil concentrate. This will restrict the application of the essential oil only to the affected area.
- A Q-tip or cotton swab can be used to apply the essential oil.
- Be patient throughout the application process. It takes time to dry the skin tag out. The skin tag should turn black and fall off in two to six weeks.
- Instructions for sensitive skin: For those with sensitive skin, we don’t recommend using the essential oil concentrate on its own. Although diluting the essential oil with carrier oil will lengthen the removal process, it will ensure safety of your skin.
- It is recommended that you consult with a doctor before using any essential oils or before beginning a new skincare regimen.
- People with asthma and other chronic skin issues should consult with their physician before using any of these remedies.
- Do your best to purchase only 100% pure essential oil products of high quality.
Top 3 Essential Oils Blends for Skin Tags
DIY Blend for Facial Moles and Facial Skin Tags
- 6 drops of frankincense essential oil
- 6 drops of coconut oil
- 2 drops of tea tree oil
- 2 drops of lavender oil
Directions for mixing: mix all the essential oils with coconut oil.
Directions for application:
- Wash your face with soap and warm water, ensuring that there is no soap left after.
- Use a cotton swab or Q-tip to apply the mixture to the affected area.
- If applying on eyelids, make sure that none of the mixture gets into your eyes. Use a Q-tip to apply a very small amount of the mixture, pressing it gently onto the skin tag and allowing the oil to penetrate to the roots of the tag.
DIY Massage Blend
This is a unique and powerful blend that can be applied onto other areas of the skin. Do not use this mixture on the facial area.
- 4 drops of rosemary oil
- 4 drops of oregano oil
- 2 drops of lemon oil
- 2 drops of lavender oil
- 2 drops of castor oil
- 5 drops of carrier oil
Directions for mixing: blend this mixture and use as a massage oil three hours before taking a bath.
Directions for application:
- Dip your fingertips in the oil and massage in circular motions on the mole or skin tag.
- Do not use this mixture on genitals. Use special care when applying the mixture to the groin area.
- Repeat this process every 30 minutes for three hours, then take a warm water bath.
DIY Oil to Apply on Sensitive Parts
This oil blend can be applied to sensitive areas such as the nipples, genitals, underarms, groin, and neck.
- 3 drops of lavender oil
- 3 drops of tea tree oil
- 3 drops of carrier oil
Directions for mixing: blend these ingredients together and apply to the affected parts of the body.
Directions for application:
- Wash the areas with soap and water before application.
- Apply this mixture on the affected areas ONLY after testing on a small patch of skin. If irritation occurs, it is recommended that you apply petroleum jelly onto the area around the skin tag, and then carefully drop the oil on the skin tag.
- For maximum impact, apply the oil mixture at least three times a day, or until the skin tag falls off.