Many people curiously ask: are essential oils for pregnancy safe to use? Which essential oils can be used while pregnant, and which ailments do these oils cover? There are many more questions regarding essential oils for pregnancy. I suggest you keep reading to learn more!
Table of contents
- 1 Essential oils for the first trimester
- 2 Essential oils for the second trimester
- 3 Essential oils for the third trimester
- 4 A few more best essential oils for pregnancy
- 5 List of essential oils to avoid during pregnancy
- 6 Top 10 ailments that can be treated with essential oils during pregnancy
- 7 How to use essential oils during pregnancy
- 8 Sources and References
Pregnancies are delightful, stressful, calming, happy, and fearful events. Every little mood that can be recorded on the face of the earth is felt by the mother. Yes, they are one hell of a rollercoaster ride from the beginning! From pukes to no pukes, swelling to no swelling and pains to intense pains, and so on goes the story.
As everyone knows, a mother-to-be needs special care and attention to overcome her various ailments. Some ailments affect the mother’s body, while the others drain her mental state. According to a study conducted by Dr. Edward, essential oils for pregnancy cover both the categories.
To start with, a mom-to-be needs to keep herself healthy by following a proper diet. Many moms-to-be feel hungry all the time, while others lack stamina. However, the bottom-line is that all future mothers feel exhausted and find themselves in the lurch of mood swings.
Experts suggest that expecting mothers should use a limited amount of essential oils during pregnancy in their first trimester, and aromatherapy should be introduced from the second trimester, as the baby is more developed. Excessive usage of essential oils in the first trimester can cause contractions, and can affect the growth of the baby.
Introduction to essential oils for pregnancy should be done in a very careful manner, especially if you are new to essential oils. It is better to consult a doctor before opting for a full usage of essential oils. However, people who are familiar with this kind of treatment can use such products as they are safe, and the user can follow the instructions on the label.
Essential oils for the first trimester
- Use oils that make you feel fresh
- Avoid using oils that you did not try before
- Go for more citrusy, lavender, lemongrass, and peppermint kind of oils
- These oils help you keep up with daily life, give you considerable relief from your morning sickness, and keep nausea at bay.
- Use limited amounts of oils in a diffuser, and use it when required. Do not overwhelm it. Do the diffusing every now and then.
Essential oils for the second trimester
Second trimesters are usually more relaxing, as the period of nausea ends. The period to feel exhausted starts. Try using oils to relax your muscles, keep you energized, and relieve you from any negative mood swings. According to reports, women feel too anxious about being pregnant while expecting, and they tend to feel stressed all the time. It’s only for a few months, so no need to fret, ladies.
Citrus Oil: Citrusy oils such as lemon, orange, or lime are incredible to keep you fresh and energized throughout the day. Try to diffuse a small amount in a diffuser while you work out, or at your work-place. You can also apply a drop on the sides of the neck and on the wrist to smell while you carry on with your official work.
Ginger: Ginger is a warm oil, so one should not consume it, but it can be used for inhaling. Ginger is an herb that restrains such diseases as colds, fever, and viral rash. You can add 7-8 drops in your bath tub and let it do its work. It kills germs and keeps you healthy.
Peppermint: Peppermint is loved by the masses; you can diffuse it, or apply it on the temples. Many moms-to-be feel tempted to swallow a few drops. Peppermint keeps you energized and on toes.
Essential oils for the third trimester
Third trimester is the heaviest and sorest of them all. You may feel out of breath, out of energy and mentally disturbed.
To relieve stress:
Lavender oil: Lavender oil is an anti-stress oil, it has been tested and tried by many moms-to-be and they swear by it. Lavender oil is the best oil for pregnancy as it has a lot of multi-functional properties attached to it. It can relieve stress, battle stretch marks, keep your skin smooth and subtle, and keep you energized. Moreover, its anti-septic properties can hold viral infections back.
Ylang Ylang: This oil is an ultimate oil to treat anxiety and depression. It is also called a mood elevator oil; it relieves stress, mood swings, and gives you positive feelings. If you suffer from insomnia and feel too tired all the time, you can use this oil in your bath or as a massage oil.
A deep massage is recommended; it stimulates your brain and alleviates anxiety and negativity
Sweet Orange: This citrusy oil is quite effective in uplifting or boosting your low energy levels. It is also called a mood uplifting or mood stabilizing oil. To shake up your mood, try to diffuse a few drops of sweet orange oil with ginger oil in a diffuser. You can also experience aromatherapy by using these massage oils.
A few more best essential oils for pregnancy
Eucalyptus oil: This oil is anti-microbial, anti-septic, and anti-inflammatory. It keeps you free of viral infections and minor diseases, such as flu, cough, and fever. It is incredible to use as a bath drop to keep yourself bacteria free. During pregnancies, women can get in contact with viral infections that can be dangerous to the baby. To use this oil, for 1 drop of oil add 5 drops or a tsp. of base oil for bath purpose or for massage purpose.
Black pepper: Again, this is the best oil to use in winters, to keep the body warm and flu and cold free. A few drops go a long way. Do not use this oil for a longer period as it can cause itching due to its spicy properties. Use this oil in extremely small quantity. Pre-testing of this oil is recommended.
German Chamomile: this essential oil for pregnancy is sweet, floral, and can calm your excited nerves in a minute. Chamomile has properties to calm a stressed mind, and it works wonderfully for any mental ailment such as feeling depressed, anxious, stressed, or feeling restless. Diffuse this oil for 10 seconds and you will find yourself sleeping peacefully on the couch.
Lemon Basil: It can be used daily to calm nauseated bowls. Yes! Its powerful smell can calm your bowels and the urge to puke. However, it should only be used once a day in extremely low quantity. Many mommas swear to it to tackle morning sickness.
Frankincense: It is a magical oil that can restore your skin dryness and keep your stretchy muscles firm. Its revitalisation properties keep wrinkles and stretch marks at bay. It can be used with low dilution and only once every day.
Cypress: Cypress is recommended only to use after 5 months to treat swollen ankles, varicose veins, and hemorrhoids. Its healing properties help in relieving pains and uneasiness caused by the physical issues. This should not be used more than once in a day time.
List of essential oils to avoid during pregnancy
Thyme, Tansy, Parsley, Mugwort, Fennel, Coriander, Deertongue, Melilotus, Mustard, Juniper Berry, Savory, Rue, Wintergreen, Wormwood, Tonka, Horseradish, Costus, Hyssop, Nutmeg, Rosemary, Savin, Origanum, and Sassafras.
Top 10 ailments that can be treated with essential oils during pregnancy
Take 2 drops of ginger and peppermint essential oils, mix them with the base oil and rub it gently on the stomach to free yourself from indigestion.
Heartburn is very common, and this is the nastiest ailment during pregnancy. Add a drop of peppermint oil to a glass of almond milk and consume it. However, oral consumption should always be taken after consulting a doctor.
Morning sickness
Mix lavender, ginger, and sandalwood oils and blend them with the base oil, such as coconut oil. You can either diffuse it or apply the blend on your abdomen.
Rub a drop of peppermint oil on your soles to get instant relief from nausea and uneasiness.
Insomnia or restlessness
Diffuse lavender oil or apply a drop onto your soles and sleep. Or you can make a lavender spray by adding 3 drops of lavender oil to 8-ounce water and spray on your bedding.
Back pain or leg pains
Prepare a hot bath and add 3 drops of Ylang Ylang oil; this will calm your muscles and relieve you from pain. Do not soak yourself for more than 15 minutes. Please avoid soaking yourself in any essential oils during the first trimester.
Water retention
Add 3 drops of grapefruit oil in a glass of water and drink 1-2 liters of this water.
Stretch marks
You can use frankincense oil on its own or by mixing it with coconut oil or Shea butter to minimize the stretch marks. This oil is potent and can eradicate any formed stretch marks if used regularly, even after pregnancy.
In addition, you can use this blend; mix 4 drops of lavender oil and frankincense oil with liquid collected from vitamin E capsule; add organic coconut oil and preserve the blend in a bottle. Keep this blend in the refrigerator if you live in a hot climatic zone. Apply this blend every morning and evening on back, stomach, breasts, and thighs. This treatment should only be initiated after the first trimester.
Mix a drop of cypress oils with lavender and marjoram oils, 5 drops of geranium oil and 1 tbsp. of organic base oil. Use this blend to get instant relief from hemorrhoids.
Yeast infection
A friend of mine used this recipe to relieve herself from infection caused by yeast. Add a few drops of lavender oil, 2 tbsp. of bath salts in a sitz bath and soak yourself in, but not more than 10 minutes every day for a week, to see excellent results.
How to use essential oils during pregnancy
- Follow this dilution formula to use essential oils during pregnancy; to 7-8 drops of essential oils add 1% of carrier oil.
- Carrier oils such as almond oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, or olive oil are best as base oils.
- Only use essential oils for a shorter time, such as 10-15 minutes in a diffuser or in a bath.
- During pregnancy, woman’s body is constantly changing. Any new introductions can harm the body.
- Do not overuse any of the essential oils.
- Aromatherapy should be carried out more sensitively in pregnancy.
- Always test the oil before introducing it fully to your routine. Try to use a drop, and check how you feel before increasing your dose.
- Although essential oils are 100% pure and natural, they are extremely potent in nature. So, adequately measured and balanced use is recommended.
A few Precautions to follow
- Do not use essential oils on daily basis.
- Direct inhaling should be avoided.
- Avoid oral intake, rectal or vaginal usage.
- These oils should not be used internally by any means.
- Using essential oils to trigger contractions is not recommended.
- Avoid oils that can stimulate uterus or have abortifacient properties.
- It is better to avoid essential oils in the first trimester.
Essential oils for pregnancy can be highly stimulating, and they play an important role in coping with the challenges of the pregnancy period. However, a few precautionary measures should be utilized to accumulate it completely in your daily routine life. Always buy essential oils after checking its ingredients. Synthetic additions can cause harmful reactions to the skin and the development of the baby.
Sources and References
- MedlinePlus Pregnancy
- Health Direct Getting pregnant
- WomensHealth. Pregnancy